Jason’s Story: Marriage from a new perspective
Cherlene Robson Cherlene Robson

Jason’s Story: Marriage from a new perspective

Marriage and couple counselling is essential to all individuals, so it is for me. This course helped me to see marriage in a very different perspective using the right lens, the biblical lens. Marriage is sacred and it holds a very significant role in representing my relationship with my Heavenly Father.

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Lena’s Story: Sexual Immorality Stronghold Broken
Cherlene Robson Cherlene Robson

Lena’s Story: Sexual Immorality Stronghold Broken

I was not a virgin when I got married. I had done sexually immoral things with five people (two did not involve sexual intercourse). When I was just six years old, I was molested by my uncle. He hugged me, kissed me and lifted me on top of his body.

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