Anna: A hug from The Father…

A Hug from the Father

July 2, marks my late father's birthday. He went to heaven on January 18, 2024, and this date also marks the end of a significant 40-week journey in my life—one of restoration. I want to share this very special time with you, as it reveals the goodness and greatness of God. He brings hope in despair, strength in weakness, and healing in brokenness.

This story is vulnerable and deeply personal, but it's one that God has been writing over the past 40 weeks. It is a story of hope, and though there are many layers and profound details that only God could orchestrate, I want to share the essence of it with you.

The Seed of Sonship 40 weeks ago, God spoke audibly to me, saying He was placing "a seed of sonship" in my spirit. He gave me a dream in which I was 40 weeks pregnant with a son. At that moment, I didn't fully understand what this meant. It wasn't until after my father's funeral that I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to look at my notes. When I did, I realized that the dream about the 40-week pregnancy aligned perfectly with my father’s birthday—exactly 40 weeks apart!

A Hug from My Earthly Father A few months after my father’s passing, God gave me another dream. In this dream, my dad spoke to me as if he were still alive, saying beautiful words. The setting was significant—it was the spot in his house where he had passed away. In my dream, I was angry and yelled at him, demanding an explanation for him being in front of me, alive and speaking. I expressed my anger about having cleaned up after his death in that very spot. Despite my rage, my father stood there, arms wide open, ready to embrace me. However, in that moment, I refused to hug him, as I was still angry and wasn’t comfortable with such closeness.

Weeks later, God reminded me of this dream and asked, "Do you want to give your father a hug now?" Initially, I said no, but He asked again. This time, I said yes. I embraced my father in the dream and began to cry like a child. In that moment, I felt a deep sense of healing—my father's wounds were healed, and my process of restoration was complete.

Prophetic Word for 2024: Sonship A few days before my father passed away, I released a prophetic word for 2024. I prophesied that this would be a season of restoration, where the hearts of the fathers would turn to their children, and the children to their fathers—just as Malachi 4:6 describes. The spirit of Elijah would bring reconciliation between fathers and children. Little did I know, I was first prophesying restoration for my own relationship with my father. The dream I had was the fulfillment of that prophecy: the spirit of Elijah turning my father's heart toward me and offering me a hug—a sign of reconciliation.

I can now confidently say that through Jesus, my father and I were reconciled in this dream, just as the prophecy foretold. What an incredible gift of sonship and restoration!

So, happy birthday, Dad! You are "finally home," where you now find complete sonship, restoration, healing, and rest in the arms of your Heavenly Father.


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