Counselling Fees
We have a passionate desire to help people in counselling, using God’s guidance, God’s Word, combined with our professional training and experience. We believe in keeping our fees transparent, so you know exactly what to expect, with no nasty surprises.
Private Counselling — €95 per session
Couples Counselling — €120 per session
Family Therapy (parent-child) — €160 per session
Before any counselling session all clients need to complete a short questionnaire called the Temperament Therapy Arno Profile System. This is a one time cost of €50. This profile is provided for the sole purpose of helping you better understand yourself and identify individual and unique needs.
I am also available to provide supervision or mentorship for other coaches and counsellors. The fee for this service is €120 per session.
Upon the conclusion of counseling, you may request a summary of your assessment for a fee of €95.
What if my financial situation doesn't allow for that price?
For those whose financial situation does not allow for this amount, we offer case-by-case discounts in order to provide equal opportunity for all our clients. Reduced fees only apply after a session has been booked and your unique financial situation discussed. These reductions are subsidised by simply reducing the income of the counsellor, and by generous contributions from people interested in sustaining this service. Please email me if you would like to discuss your unique situation.
Are you available on weekends?
Weekend sessions are available by request with an extra charge. This may vary depending on the service required.
Are counselling fees covered by insurance?
Dutch and most International insurance does not cover any counselling session fees. Faith Based Counselling is not registered under the Netherlands Health Insurance system however it is registered as a Dutch Business with the Dutch KvK. Reg:86376861. Faith Based Counselling is also registered under the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) in the United State since 2013. Reg: #15610
Bank and Payment information
Netherlands Bank: RABOBANK | IBAN Bankrekening number: NL93 RABO 0198 0443 48 | BIC No. RABONL2U | Cherlene Robson
Australian Banking
Australia Bank: Commonwealth Bank / BSB 062831 / Account Number: 1029 3644 / SWIFT CODE (BIC) : CTBAAU2S / Cherlene Robson